Educational App Spotlight: Showbie


Using Showbie in your classroom

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We have a website we absolutely need to share with you all. This is NOT an advertisement, just two boss teachers writing a blog post about one of the absolutely most important websites that you need in your life. Here at the TTD we strive to be almost completely paperless. We can’t say that we are 100 percent, without a doubt, paperless, as there are days when paper is required. We also feel that there are certain lessons or activities that we feel require hand written notes…but that’s a blog post for another day. As stated on their website, “Showbie is a free educational app for teachers and students that makes creating and completing assignments, providing assessments, and storing grades easy.” Everything we have created for our classes we house on Showbie. It makes organizing curriculum and lessons a dream! We love that we can create a folder or file for every lesson or unit of study we teach and that students can access those files from anywhere. There is an app or IOS devices and Showbie is also accessible through the web. 

Some of the features that we adore are the comment bubble, voice note, and image upload feature. Students can work on any assignment on any app or webpage, take a screen shot of their work and share it with us on Showbie. It makes grading all assignments a dream, as all students and their work are in alphabetical order and just a  click away. We love that we can, “Instantly distribute documents, images, instructions and comments to entire class, a group of students, or individual students”. There are handy dandy tools on Showbie that allow students to highlight, write, draw, or type on any PDF that we attach. Students can even create a portfolio of all of their amazing work they have completed throughout the year to share with their parents. Oh and I know it was mentioned above, but teacher friends…it bears repeating. Showbie is FREE! I repeat…FREE! So what are you waiting for? Check out Showbie today!

Bottoms up!