Effective argument writing strategies for students

Get ready to sharpen your thinking skills because we're about to dive into the world of argument! No, we're not talking about bickering with your spouse over who gets to choose the restaurant for date night. We're talking about the art of constructing a compelling argument and how to teach it to our students, a skill that's becoming increasingly important in today's world.

In a recent article published by ASCD Educational Leadership, the Erik Palmer discusses the importance of teaching students how to develop arguments effectively. As educators, we have a responsibility to equip our students with the skills they need to succeed in the real world, and argumentation is a critical part of that toolkit.

So, what does it mean to be "argumentative" in the context of education? It's not about being stubborn or confrontational; it's about learning how to make a clear and convincing case for your point of view. This involves a range of skills, including critical thinking, research, organization, and communication.

One of the key points made in the article is that argumentation isn't just about persuading others to agree with you. It's also about understanding different perspectives and learning how to engage in productive dialogue with people who hold opposing views. This is especially important in today's polarized political climate, where it can be all too easy to dismiss those who disagree with us.

As educators, we can help our students develop these skills by providing opportunities for them to practice argumentation in the classroom. This might involve structured debates, class discussions, or written assignments that require students to take a position and support it with evidence.

Of course, teaching argumentation isn't always easy. It requires us to challenge our students to think critically and to be willing to consider viewpoints that may be different from their own. But it's a challenge that's well worth taking on. By equipping our students with the skills they need to construct compelling arguments, we're helping to prepare them for success in college, career, and life.

Explore our comprehensive collection of argument lessons to enhance your student’s argumentative writing skills using Erik Palmer's proven argument writing techniques. Our lessons will guide your students to effectively researching and crafting compelling argument essays. To facilitate your research, we have curated an engaging range of research topics and graphical organizers that will streamline your writing process. Take advantage of our tools and unleash your writing potential today!

So, let's get argumentative! Let's challenge our students to think critically, communicate effectively, and engage in productive dialogue with those who hold different views. Who knows, we might just create a generation of persuasive thinkers who can change the world for the better.

SchoolThe Teaching Distillery