Ice Roller Review

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Now that it is summer, anything cold is always a treat. Speaking of cold, I’m loving facial ice rolling. Let me tell you, you get instant results including de-puffing, radiant skin, and defined cheekbones. Who doesn’t want that? You may be thinking, sounds too good to be true. Well, simple ice rolling achieves these quick results by boosting circulation which brings more blood to the skin’s surface.

You also may be thinking, why not just use ice? Well, that can get a little messy. The ice roller stays cooler longer, so you get more ice rolling benefits. I did some research and the best way to roll your face is to use a zig zag motion and then side to side on the forehead. Then work in upward strokes on the cheeks and sides of the nose. Lastly, work in outward strokes on the sides of the mouth, under the jaw bone and neck. It can be done everyday for 5-15 minutes.

Bonus, facial ice rollers are very inexpensive face treatment. Here is a link to a top ten list of ice rollers. This one has amazing reviews and stays cold for hours. I also think that this one is so pretty. Enjoy!