Cleaning Tips and Tricks during a Pandemic

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So, I’ve always kept a clean house, not super clean, but definitely tidy and presentable. Well, I have had a lot of time on my hands lately, and I went down the rabbit hole of cleaning tips and tricks during a pandemic and this is what I learned:

How to clean your groceries. Who knew that was a thing?

You Tube Channel to follow: Clean My Space What I love about this channel is that the host, Melissa, hates to clean. Which is just like me! Cleaning is not my favorite, but I do love a clean house. Well, needless to say I have learned a lot of great tips from this You Tube channel like ways to use vinegar, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda. Seriously, go check out her channel like now. You won’t regret it.

Steam Cleaning: Well, this one is a new one for me. I had no idea about steam cleaning, but there are many benefits like:

natural and non toxic - it’s just water
inexpensive - again, once you buy the steamer, just use water
disinfectant - kills most bacteria and viruses if the steam temperature is around 212 degrees and you steam for about three minutes.
deodorizes - who wants a smelly house? Not me.
Works on just about everything that we humans are always touching like door handles, bathrooms, and light switches.

If this sounds too good to be, it’s not. This is how they work: “Water is heated past the boiling point and forced out as pressurized steam through a nozzle, brush, or other attachment. The vapor loosens dirt and kills dust mites, mold, staph, and other allergens and harmful bacteria. No suction is required, since the high-heat moisture dries quickly. For heavily soiled surfaces, some manufacturers suggest steam-cleaning first, then wiping away dirt with a cloth before the moisture dries.”

Here is the steamer that I bought and it makes cleaning kind of fun…for now. Here is a steamer my mom just bought. It has really good reviews.

Here is another cleaning article, just in case you can’t get enough cleaning info.

Stay healthy and happy cleaning!