Natural Immunity Boosters

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We have always been about boosting our immune systems around here. Simply because we hate to be sick, but we hate writing substitute lesson plans more. Here are some of our tried and true tips and tricks to stay healthy and have a strong immune system.

Vitamin D - I learned from the Dr. Gundry podcast that he takes a lot of vitamin D before he gets on an airplane to boost his immune system. He says that everyone thinks it is vitamin C, but that is water soluble and you have to take it every few hours. Vitamin D also equally boosts the immune system, and your body is able to store any extra. I just read this article that when you take take Vitamin D, you also need to supplement with Magnesium.

Elderberry - great for fighting the flu, colds, and bonus, it makes your skin look amazing. Don’t take my word for it, check out this article on the benefits of taking an elderberry supplement. I love this one.

Propolis - Propolis is made by bees to protect the hive from germs. It is antibiotic, antiviral, and anti fungal. It is great for getting over a cough or sore throat. I swear by this brand.

Vitamin C - I know, this one is obvious. Just consider buying a time released supplement, or take it every few hours when you are around people.

Mushrooms - Chaga mushrooms are an adaptogen for the immune system that helps to strengthen it even during times of stress. I put it in my smoothie every morning. I like the products from this brand.

Thieves oil from Young Living or On Guard from doTerra - These oil blends are made with cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, lemon, and rosemary. AKA is smells like the holidays with a little bit of Earth mixed in. We diffuse it in our classrooms during the winter season and our students love the smell of it. In addition to diffusing these oils, you can put them on your skin like the neck, back of the wrists, and ankles. Young Living also sells a dietary thieves oil which I put in my smoothie. Plus they have cough drops with the oils which is great even when you don’t have a cold.

If you do get sick, I just listen to this podcast and learned to raise your body temperature like a fever to kill unwanted bacteria and viruses. Things that you can do to raise your body temperature is to wear a scarf around your neck when you first get a sore throat or cough. Take a hot bath or jump into a sauna. You can also put a hot compress on your chest until you feel warmer. This mustard bath will also draw the illness right out of you. Also, if you feel sick, don’t eat sugar (even fruit sugar) as it weakens your immune system.

These all natural supplements will keep your immune system running in tip top shape all year long. Promise! Stay healthy!