Teaching in the Shadows: The Bleak Future of Public Education and How Teachers Can Fight Back

The lights flicker as I shuffle through a stack of outdated textbooks, their pages torn and annotated by students from two decades past. My classroom, once a haven of curiosity and possibility, now feels like a battlefield. The war we’re fighting isn’t just against apathy or ignorance—it’s against the calculated dismantling of public education. This is what teaching looks like in the shadow of policy failures, where those in power have abandoned the promise of equitable education for every child.

For public school teachers like me, the future feels bleak. The federal government’s increasing neglect of public education—marked by funding cuts, privatization schemes, and a relentless push for profit over pedagogy—threatens not just our profession but the very foundation of a just and equitable society.

The Systematic Dismantling of Public Education

Public education has long been a cornerstone of American democracy, a system designed to give every child a chance, regardless of their zip code. But that cornerstone is cracking under the weight of deliberate policy decisions. Federal funding for public schools has been slashed, leaving schools in underserved areas struggling to meet even basic needs. Programs that support special education, school lunches, and after-school enrichment have been gutted.

Meanwhile, the push for “school choice”—a euphemism for privatization—has diverted billions of dollars away from public schools. Voucher programs and for-profit charter schools have been sold to the public as opportunities for innovation, but the reality is far grimmer: these programs strip resources from public schools while often failing to deliver better outcomes for students.

The result? A system that favors those with means and leaves the rest behind.

The Bleak Future We Face

If these policies continue unchecked, the future of public education will be unrecognizable. Picture this:

  • Empty classrooms in urban and rural areas where public schools have been shut down due to lack of funding.

  • Corporate-run schools that prioritize standardized test scores and cost-cutting over creativity and critical thinking.

  • Segregation reborn, as vouchers and school choice allow wealthier families to leave public schools behind, while low-income families are left with increasingly underfunded options.

  • A generation of students without access to the arts, advanced placement courses, or even qualified teachers.

The dismantling of public education is not just a policy choice—it’s an abandonment of the promise that every child deserves a fair shot at success.

What Teachers Can Do

Despite the grim outlook, teachers have always been resilient. We’ve weathered countless challenges, and we’re not backing down now. Here’s how we can fight back:

1. Advocate for Public Education

Teachers have powerful voices, and we must use them. Contact your local representatives and demand increased funding for public schools. Attend school board meetings and advocate for policies that support public education. Support candidates who prioritize education and oppose those who seek to undermine it. The fight for public education is as much about political action as it is about what happens in the classroom.

2. Organize and Mobilize

The power of collective action cannot be overstated. Across the country, public schools and educators have fought back against school voucher programs that threaten to siphon critical funding away from public education. Notable victories have come from grassroots efforts, including teacher strikes and organized public outcry. For instance, in states like Iowa and Arizona, educators protested not just for fair wages but also against policies that undermined public schools through privatization and voucher expansion. NEA Together, we are stronger.

3. Innovate in the Classroom

While systemic change is essential, teachers also have the power to innovate within their classrooms. Build partnerships with local businesses or nonprofits to bring in additional resources. Use creative teaching methods to engage students even when resources are scarce. Never underestimate the power of a passionate, resourceful teacher to transform a child’s life.

4. Teach Resistance

Equip your students with the critical thinking skills they need to navigate an increasingly inequitable world. Teach them to question, to analyze, and to stand up for their rights. Education has always been a tool for liberation, and that remains true even in the darkest times.

A Call to Action

If we allow the dismantling of public education to continue, we lose more than schools—we lose the soul of a nation that promised opportunity for all. Public education is not just about academics; it’s about equity, community, and democracy. It’s about ensuring that every child, regardless of their circumstances, has the chance to learn, grow, and thrive.

The challenges ahead are daunting, but teachers have never been ones to back down from a fight. We have the power to advocate, to organize, to innovate, and to resist. And together, we can rebuild a future where public education isn’t just surviving—it’s thriving.

Our students deserve nothing less.
