The Ultimate Printable Camping Checklist to Make Life Easier
Just print and fill out the checklist provided to make your camping life that much easier!
Walt Whitman said, “Now I see the secret of making the best person, it is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth.” What can be more close to the earth than a tent on the ground? Camping is that rare vacation where you spend a thousand dollars to get the worst night’s sleep. But, every year, without fail, the days get longer, the sun gets hotter, and all we want to do is hop in our car and drive up to the lake.
Preparing for a camping trip is no easy feat. It takes a lot of prep work to make sure that once at the lake, stress is at a minimum. There is nothing less relaxing and less fun than having to get into the car and drive off in search of whatever it may be that is needed when you are hours away from home. I am a huge fan of checklists and pretty much use them for everything. Over the years I have created my go-to camping checklist to make sure that all my gear and camping needs are packed and ready to go. When your life is organized, things go so much more smoothly and your time can be spent enjoying your friends and family. There may be no wi-fi in the mountains, but you’ll find no better connection.
If you are into handy-dandy checklists like I am - I have provided my list for you. Just click on this link and then choose the download button, or if you would like editable google slides, click this link. Click the blue copy button to add a copy to your google drive. From there, you can add text boxes and type directly onto the check lists, or just print out the list and have fun planning your next camping trip!

Until next time teacher friends,
Happy Camping!