Vacation Workouts- Work Hard to Play Hard


Enjoy More Calories With Less Guilt

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Friends! Vacation time is finally here! Long days and cool nights. If you’re anything like me, then you are living your best life…at home…on the couch…catching up on BRAVO. When I do leave my house, it’s for fun trips with friends and family while camping in the dirt. Ain’t life grand? Because I have been on a fitness kick of sorts as of late, I made sure that each day I planned a short 30 minute workout to break up my caloric intake. Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean you have to ditch your fitness routine. 

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Grab a willing friend and hit the trails. A brisk 2-3 mile jog or hike is all you need to keep your heart healthy and lower your guilt for partaking in a few more cocktails or S’Mores around the campfire.

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Nap time is fun time for me! While my three-year-old naps and everyone else is down by the lake, I take advantage of the quiet and freedom to get in a quick workout. I’m not about to add to the overly stuffed car, so a body weight workout is all I need. I utilized the picnic table’s bench in my work out. However, if you don’t have a bench to work with, regular pushups work great. Remember those can be done on your knees as well.

Below is the circuit style workout I completed:

First, run .5 miles

Next, complete as many rounds as possible (AMRP) against a 15 minute timer. 

2 rounds:

10 chest push ups using the picnic bench

25 bench step ups

2 Rounds:

20 jumping jacks 

10 chest push ups

15 cheerleaders 
Repeat rounds until your timer goes off. 

Last, run .5 miles 

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The last full day of my trip! I rented a paddle board for a few hours and paddled around the lake. I’m not going to lie, it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. The wind was up, and the boats were creating quite a few wakes to navigate. I only fell once, and it was a welcome relief from the baking sun. After an hour of paddling, I was ready for some time to relax on a beach chair and soak up the last bits of vacation sunshine. 

So, dear readers, we would love to know how these tips and tricks worked for you! Do you have any surefire tips for keeping fit that we did not mention? We would love to hear from you. Drop a comment below, and, as always, we would love it if you share, share away! Sharing is caring!

Bottoms Up!