Anti-Aging Skin Care

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Is teaching creating more wrinkles and making you look haggard? This is just one of the many occupational job hazards we have to deal with, but luckily for you, I am obsessed with anti-aging and skin care. Over the past year, I’ve started to incorporate a nightly retinol serum and ABA/BHA peel. I don’t use them both at the same time, but rather switch back and forth. I do, however, notice improvements in my overall skin appearance when I use them on a consistent basis.


So what is retinol and what is it good for? Retinol is made from vitamin A and helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by increasing collagen production which decreases as we age. Bonus, it also helps to fade dark spots and smooths any rough patches on the skin. I really like to use this retinol from January Labs in my nightly routine before I add my moisturizer and face oil. This one also has niacinamide which is full of antioxidants and helps to fight acne, inflammation, hyperpigmentation, excess oil production, skin cancer, and signs of aging. It’s a great skin care ingredient. It’s definitely worth the hype.


As for the benefits of ABA/BHA, it gives you that coveted glow or aka dewy skin. AHA and BHA really help to exfoliate the skin to reveal younger, fresher skin. Here is a great article on the benefits of AHA/BHA. Here is my favorite ABA/BHA peel.

Need some more proof about the benefits of retinol. Here is a great video from Doctorly on how to use retinol like a dermatologist.