Zum Clean Laundry Soap Review

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In an effort to try to rid my house of most nasty chemicals, I have been on a mission to find the best laundry detergent. In the past I have used soap nuts. Soap nuts are essentially “the dried shells (or husks) from the soapberry nut. The shells of the soap nut contain a natural soap, called Saponin.  When the nut shells absorb water, the saponin is released, which creates a soaping effect.  Saponin is 100% natural and biodegradable, making it an excellent alternative to chemical detergents.” 

While the soap nuts did a decent job of cleaning our clothes, over time I found that they just didn’t do the trick with those tough baby spit up stains and my husband’s stinky work clothes. Up until recently, I was back on the Tide Free and Clear train… toot toot. Often times I would use the Trader Joe’s Lavender Dryer Bag sachets to add a fresh scent to our clothes. My daughter loves the smell of her lavender scented clothes. But, after a few uses the bags would break and I would have a ton of loose, dried lavender in my dryer.

Enter Zum Clean Laundry Soap. My dear friend recently turned me on to the Zum brand laundry soap while we were camping. We both struggle with husbands who have labor intensive jobs and sometimes their clothes are left a bit stinky. The Zum Clean Laundry Soap is a game changer. Not only does it check all my clean product boxes…it smells AMAZING! 

What is Zum Clean Laundry Soap?

According to their website, Zum Clean Laundry Soap from Indigo Wild is a “natural laundry soap, detergent alternative that contains gentle do-gooders, like essential oil blends, baking soda, and saponified 100% coconut oil. This power-packed, plant-based formula is low-sudsing and highly concentrated, so it’s the perfect match for high-efficiency machines and high-efficiency households that run like machines. It’s gentle enough for your skin and your delicates because it’s SOAP, not detergent. You won’t find any parabens, phosphates, cocamidopropyl betaine, or sulfates — just plant-packed ingredients.”

Fresh Scents to try:

There are a plethora of scents to choose from. Our favorites are the Lavender Laundry Soap and the Frankincense and Myrrh Laundry soap. They also have:

  • Frankincense and Pachouli

  • Sweet Orange

  • Lavender-Cedar

  • Sea Salt

  • Pachouli

  • Tea-Tree Citrus

  • Frankensense & Citrus

  • Lullaby Lavender baby

  • Lavender-Mint

  • Rosemary-Mint

Bottom Line:

If you are in the market for a clean laundry detergent (soap) that leaves your clothes and home, smelling amazing, give the Zum Clean Laundry Soap a try. You can find their products on their website. They also sell some of their laundry soaps at our local Sprouts. Check out their store locator here to see if they sell any of their products near you! 

Happy cleaning!