Beekeeper's Propolis Spray Review

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Do you ever wake up with a scratchy or dry throat? Well, four sprays of B.Immune Throat Spray will fix that throat right away. I often will take this in the morning or at the end of the day, or anytime in between if I feel a sore throat coming on. It has really helped me thwart some colds and nip them right in the bud.

Another trick I have with sore throats is to put a warm compress on my neck for about 15-30 minutes and by the next morning, my sore throat is gone and no cold in sight. Or I take a hot bath to raise my body temperature. Works every time!

Back to B.Immune Throat Spray. This spray is my magic weapon. It is magic because it is made out of bee propolis. Well, not so much magic as science. You may be asking what is propolis? Well, bees make propolis out of plant and tree resins and use it to protect their hive from germs. Bee propolis has 300+ beneficial compounds, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is such an amazing ingredient for both bees and humans. Bonus, it tastes sweet and delicious. They also make a version for kids. I can’t recommend it enough.

Beekeeper’s Naturals is growing by leaps and bounds, and they are very conscientious about making sure the bees are taken care of and thriving. They tend to the land to make sure that the bees are only flying in organic farming environments. They do this by making sure that the bees’ five mile radius is surrounded by organic fields. Not many bee companies can ensure this standard.

Here are some other products that I love from Beekeeper’s Natural:

Bee Pollen - I add it to my smoothies because it is a multivitamin. Bee pollen delivers protein and Vitamin B to nourish your body and gives you lots of energy.

B.Better Cough Syrup - if you do end up getting a cough, this syrup tastes great and works. It is made with honey, elderberry, and propolis. They also have a night time version with melatonin. Beats taking that other stuff with all their nasty ingredients!

B.Soothed Honey Lozenges - I just bought a few bags of these cough drops and it does not disappoint. It has immune boosting honey, Vitamin D, zinc, and propolis. Jackpot!