Easy and Healthy Snack Ideas to Buy and Try for Busy Teachers


Snack Time

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Friends, if there is one thing you need to know about Denise and me, it is that we take our food  very seriously! We try to eat as clean as possible and are very conscious about what we put into our bodies. We are by no means snobs about our food choices, nor do we judge others for theirs. However, we are well aware that what we eat has a direct effect on our mindset and our health. 

With that said, here are some of our go to snacks that we enjoy at The Teaching Distillery:

1) Hard Boiled Organic Eggs.  You can’t go wrong with this tried and true protein packed healthy snack. Just one egg, and you can get through the morning slump and make it to lunch time! TTD Hack- Use your Instant-Pot to make your hard boiled eggs. They peel like a dream each and every time. Directions for the 5-5-5 method. 

2) Raw Organic Nuts. Whether they are almonds or walnuts, pecans or Brazil nuts, you can’t go wrong with a tasty snack of raw nuts. Steer clear of any nuts roasted in palm oil. Also, sorry friends, peanuts are a no go. They are actually a legume and not a nut. Moderation is key with nuts. While they are tasty and healthy, too many nuts can be a bit fattening.

3) One of Katy's personal favorites is goat cheese and Paleo Crackers. She also likes to add some tasty Genoa salami. Her favorite grain free crackers are Jilz Crackers and Simple Mills. She also adores the Absolutely Gluten Free crackers .

4) Grain Free chips and salsa. When Denise introduced Katy to the Siete brand, she changed her world! They are amazing! Our personal favorites are the sea salt tortilla chips. Katy also adores the Casa Sanchez brand salsa.

5) Nut Butter and celery. Katy is partial to unsweetened Sun Butter from Trader Joes. TTD tip, make sure to read the ingredients. Many nut butters add in palm oil to make their butters smoother and easier to spread, so we try to avoid it when at all possible. Also, get organic if your bank account allows for it.  

6) Last but not least, fresh fruit or cut up veggies. We love all things berries, so we try to always pack some fresh organic blueberries or strawberries during the summer months. Katy is also a sucker for stone fruit. Right now, the peaches and nectarines are absolutely delicious! When buying fruits and veggies, we always try to get organic, though we know that this might not always be possible for many people. Here is a handy little print out of the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 to help guide your organic and conventional purchases of fruit and vegetables. Always try to buy organic when it is on the Dirty Dozen list. You should check it each and every year, as they do change. 

While this may be the first post about healthy snacks for teachers, do not expect it to be our last! We are always on the lookout for tasty treats to add to our lunch bags. So, teacher friends, what are your favorite healthy snacks to get you through the work day? Feel free to comment below or reach us on our Instagram or Twitter.

Bottoms Up!