Classroom Rules
Creating classroom rules is always a personal choice among teachers. Some teachers like their classroom rules to be designed by students. Other teachers like rules to be about classroom procedures and standards of behavior.
Over the years, we have done all of these things at one time or another when creating classroom rules. We found that what works best for us and for having a smooth school year is to create classroom rules that reflect strong character morals and values. When students strive to improve their moral compass, the classroom just runs more efficiently and becomes a space where real learning and growth can take place. Isn’t that what we all want for our students?
Here are some of the rules we like:
Own Your Education
Have a vision
Feed your passion
Lean into struggle
Be a learner not a finisher
Respect: Recognize your own worth and the worth of others. Treat others without violating their rights or feelings.
Responsibility: Be dependable and accountable for your actions. Clean up after yourself.
Integrity: Do what you know is right.
Effort: Do your personal best, and never give up.
Cooperation: Work together toward a common goal.
Feel free to borrow any one of these ideas for your classroom.
Here is how Denise displays her classroom rules. She ordered the reclaimed frames from Etsy and had them painted in our school’s colors.