How to Create a Collaborative Classroom Environment Part 1

Working collaboratively and socially is a life skill that all students should be working on in school to prepare them for the demands of the future work forces… whatever that looks like. According to NACE, teamwork is one of the top traits that employers are looking for when hiring someone.

First, let’s start with what not to do: don’t give boring worksheets or assign reading a chapter from a textbook as group work. Boring assignments cause group work to just simply fall apart. Kids start arguing, and it spirals from there. You know, we’ve all been there.

Instead, design group work activities to be engaging and make it a puzzle that needs to be solved. Most people can’t resist a good puzzle. The brain is naturally hardwired to try to figure things out.

To get your students working together, you have to start with community building activities that foster a safe and equitable learning environment. Check out some of our favorite community building games. Get to know your students from day one and don’t stop. Check out our first day of school lesson that will get you going on the right foot. Do some daily check ins with your class to see what others have in common. Here are some of our favorites.

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